
WoW Gold Making - The Truth

A few years ago I would never have contemplated buying a WoW Gold making guide. After all the experience http://www.wow-gold-team.com/ (wow gold) is playing the game and working things out for yourself - why should I pay some guy for a guide when I can figure it out for myself. Well I've definitely changed my opinion now.

The problem is with many online games is that to keep you signed up - you need progression but if that is too simple - you'll level up to the top quickly and there's nothing left to play for. World of Warcraft traps you in the game by being extremely difficult to earn any decent amount of gold quickly.
It can take literally months of playing http://www.flywowgold.com/ (wow gold) to buy any of the more expensive and desirable items. I found myself working all day at work to make money - then logging in to my favourite game to - work all evening to earn World of Warcraft gold - it wasn't fun but I kept doing it. The realisation dawned on me one evening and I decided to do something about it. I first checked out buying some World of Warcraft Gold but rejected this because I knew a couple of people who had been banned for trying this (not the hardest thing to track for Blizzard).

So what I really needed was the methods that these World of Warcraft gold sellers used - I don't mind doing a bit of gold farming if I do it efficiently. There are many WoW Gold Making guides out there but most are a waste of time. I did find two that where excellent though that you can read which from the link below.

I now have no problem affording anything in the game - it's so much fun knowing you have a few thousand gold sitting around in case you want to buy something. The tactics I would never have figured out for myself - even though some are so simple it's amazing. I still http://www.85wowgold.com/ (wow gold) have to earn gold but I do it so quickly that it's not a chore now - the investment in the two Wow gold making guides has paid off in a much more fun experience in my time in game. Sure I bought some very poor guides as well - full of all the free stuff you can find on forums and bulletin boards but at least I did find the best ones.

Check out the link below and read about the best Wow gold making guides you can buy!
To earn as much gold as you'll ever need in World of Warcraft check out these guides. Both these are the real deal but read for yourself.


