
World of Warcraft - Grinding or Questing, Which is Faster?

For those who play World of Warcraft, there is the basic knowledge that you want to get to level 70 as fast as possible. Who wants to sit around at the low levels and feel less superior wow gold (http://www.flywowgold.com/) to the big guns at level 70. Now, the question arises, how does one get to level 70 as quick as possible, is it through questing or grinding?? The simple and honest answer is questing. This is proven because a player named Joana has the world record time of leveling to 70. What Joana did was quest the whole way there.

Now the average player can't just accept quests and get to level 70 as fast as Joana did. If you do not know the specific quests and when are where to accept and turn them in, you might as well just grind. Although when you grind, it is waay more boring and you don't get the reputation you need with all the factions. Trust me, I have been there and it is not fun.

So one might wonder, how do I get the information about which quests to get and how to do them, when to get them, and when to accept them. Well after much nagging from the world of warcraft community, Joana finally made a guide called Joana's Horde Leveling Guide. This guide explains in great detail every aspect of her route to 70. In Joana's Horde Leveling Guide comes step by step what to do and when to do it, each numbered and accompanied by a map with arrows telling you exactly what to do and where to go and how to do it!

Also with Joana's Horde Leveling Guide comes tips, tricks and secrets on the fastest leveling techniques. I wish I had known that stuff before, I used to wow gold (http://www.flywowgold.com/) not even really like WoW until I got Joana's Horde Leveling Guide. Joana also recorded every step of the way and you can watch the videos of how she did it. The videos are linked to help you find the exact spot of the video for each quest.

So if grinding and being bored does not appeal to you. Start questing and follow Joana's Horde Leveling Guide to help you along your new fun journey of World of Warcraft!

write by  Patrick Tucker

